Xinmu is a reputated home service company in town that provides professionally trained "ayi"s specifically for the expat community. We have "ayi"s who not only can speak basic English, but also have received comprehensive training in western standards. Moreover, we even provide interpretation-service during the contract period. Whether you are seeking one-time, part-time or full-time domestic help, liver-in or live-out, baby-sitting, tutoring or just cleaning services , Xinmu Domestic service has what you need. The comprehensive training of Xinmu Domestic Service includes:
Basic English class taugnt by native speaker to improve the communication skills of Ayis.▼ An educational event for Ayis to learn how to iron different types of clothes after laundry.▼ The professional cook from 5-star restuarant shows Ayis the most efficient and effective way to cook western dishes full of nutritions.▼ Ayis figure out how to put everthing in perfect order under the guidence of the professional Philippino Ayi trainer.▼ A fun English children's songs course for Ayi to know how to play with kids in your family.▼ How to book ? |